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Thomas & Ursula Muddle’s Family

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Frederick & Harriet Muddle’s Family

William & Ann Muddle’s Family

Edmund & Sarah Muddle’s Family

William & Anne/Elizabeth Muddle’s Family

Charles & Sarah/Mary Muddle’s Family

Charles & Elizabeth Muddle’s Family

George & Ann Muddell’s Family

Edward & Phoebe Muddell’s Family

Charles & Sarah Muddle’s Family

Thomas & Elizabeth Muddle’s Family

Index of Family Members




The 43rd Regiment of Foot (43rd Light Infantry) during the Indian Mutiny

 An extract from the Historical Records of the 43rd Light Infantry:


The interval between the close of 1854 and that of 1857 passed over in the ordinary routine of Indian service, without any particular incident or occurrence. In 1858 the first route received by the 43rd was for Kamptee, in the Nagpore country, a distance of 631 miles, completed on the 28th of March; being resumed for another 156 miles, Jubbalpore was reached on the 17th of April, where a detachment was left of 1 subaltern and 53 men, the march then continued by Dumoh and Banda, joining Whitlock's division on the 30th of May.

On the 3rd of June 1858, Eight Companies marched with the force destined for the attack of Kirwee under Brigadier Whitelock, which was reached on the 7th, when the Rajah Narrain Row surrendered in person, and his armed followers betook themselves to the hills. The Rajah's palace and treasures were seized. Forty-two lacs of rupees in coin, with an enormous quantity of gold and silver utensils and jewels, were captured, although it was conjectured that much had also been secreted or carried off by his troops, who had fled before the surrender. Three companies of the 43rd remained at Kirwee to form part of the garrison under Brigadier Carpenter of the Madras Army, while the head-quarters and remainder of the corps marched to Banda, taking with them forty-six prisoners. Two companies at once joined a detached force for that district under Lieut.-Colonel Primrose, and by July 1st all were together at Hernapore, when the Regiment marched to Calpee, and on the 7th went into temporary barracks.

On reaching Calpee, a march of 1300 miles — with only an occasional halt at large stations for a few days — had been performed by the 43rd; and these halts generally were for the purpose of laying in commissariat supplies. Some idea may be formed of the excessive exertion and fatigue undergone both by officers and men, when it is considered that this march was in most part performed during the hottest season of a year in which the mean temperature exceeded in heat that of any known during the fifteen preceding. The marches commenced before daylight, usually as early as 2 A.M., and it frequently happened that the rear of the column did not arrive in camp until 4 or 5 P.M. A mere country track constituted the only route, at times crossing chains of high, precipitous hills cutting through rocks and jungles for days together, traversing and passing numerous rivers, many of great breadth, without bridges or boats. Now and again the Regiment was employed in dragging the carts — some hundred in number — containing ammunition, stores, etc. over almost insurmountable obstacles, where cattle were nearly useless.

The Monsoon, usually commencing in June, did not in this year visit Central India until the middle of July, consequently the acute sufferings of the Regiment under the burning and arid breezes of that inhospitable region were not only most exceptionally intense but protracted. At no point was this felt to such an extent as at Bisramnugger, one day's march north of Purneah. Three days were occupied in getting the carts down a ghaut by which the Brigade descended, during which time 2 officers and 11 men of the 43rd died from sunstroke. Even natives attached to the force succumbed from the same cause. Major Young of the 19th Madras Native Infantry with 12 sepoys also similarly perished, and all lie buried in one spot close to the ground on which the camp was formed. During May and June the thermometer ranged at 120 Degrees F. in the Hospital tents, while in small ones this was usually exceeded by 8° or 9°. In the first 950 miles only two deaths, and each accidental occurred. The health of the Regiment had been extraordinary; but later the amount of wear and tear endured began to tell on their constitutions. Sunstroke was of constant occurrence, and death generally most sudden; some of the stricken expiring in a few minutes, though others lingered on in a state of coma for hours. Three officers and 44 men of the 43rd died from this and miscellaneous causes. The officers were, Paymaster and Quarter-Master Denton (brothers), and Lieutenant Thomas Elwes. A finer body, of men, well-grown, and averaging twenty-five years of age, had never before taken the field in India; all that were weakly had been left behind in Bangalore. On the Regiment reaching Calpee each company looked but the wreck of its former self.

Partial rest was imperative, and it was hoped that much good would result from the occupation of temporary barracks. In July there were 13 deaths; 8 from sunstroke. No more desolate place than Calpee could be found in the world, Aden not even excepted. It is situated on the banks of the Jumna, and for miles around the whole country is an intricate net-work of steep ravines, in which the baked, gravelly soil produces no sort of vegetation.

 On the 1st of August two companies with a force under Major Synge were sent to Jaloun, to rescue that fort, ignominiously surrendered by some local levies. On their appearance the rebels bolted.

A detachment under Captain Colville moved out with the force under Brigadier Carpenter, to engage the rebels occupying the hills. The head-quarters of the 43rd and two companies with Brigadier Macduff arrived at Jaloun, and encamped on the 31st of August. Incessant rain and the completely flooded state of the country prevented any attempt at active operations by Captain Colville until the 5th of September, when, having been reinforced by another company, they engaged the rebels at the village of Sahao, and continued on the move in the Calower district until the 24th, when they returned to Jaloun. After remaining there four days in camp, operations were renewed, directing on the Jumna, until the 12th of October, when the Brigade retired to Calpee. These movements took place in the height of the Monsoon. The country was a dead flat with no road of any kind through the greater part of the district, though many miles of cultivated land were marched over.

On the 6th of September the detachment under Captain Colville was engaged at the Punghatten Pass, a village in the Punnah range. On the 11th November a company marched from Humeerpore to Banda for garrison; on the 17th two companies from Jaloun on field service; and on the 16th of December a company from Calpee with the force under Brigadier Macduff, moved to Jaloun. At that station they were joined by two more companies, and were engaged at Girnara [Girwasa?] on the Scinde. On the 22nd of December a small party of officers, 35 men of the 43rd, and 50 Sepoys, under command of Captain Woodlands, 1st Madras Native Infantry, occupying  the palace at Kirwee, were attacked by a rebel force under Rada Govind, and beat it off after five days' fighting. They were not finally relieved until the arrival of Brigadier Whitelock.

On the 23rd of December two companies of the 43rd marched from Nagode to Kirwee to relieve that place. On the 24th a company proceeded from Banda to Kirwee as advance guard of Whitelock's force. They engaged the rebels at Purwarree, took four guns, and were mentioned with special praise in General Orders.

On the 2nd of January 1859 a subaltern and a few men were engaged in the Punnah Jungle. Private Henry Addison of the 43rd was severely wounded in rescuing Captain Osborne, political agent at Rewah, who had been worsted in a personal combat with a rebel Sepoy. For his gallant conduct Addison received the Victoria Cross. On the 5th the company that went to Jubbalpore was engaged at Bagowra. On the 19th three companies arrived at Calpee with Brigadier Macduff, from field service. On the 22nd head-quarters and five companies marched for Banda, and on the 29th were joined by three more. On the 11th of February head-quarters marched for Nagode, where they were joined on the 13th by a company from Kawah, and on the 14th by another from Kirwee, when, to the great joy of every one, the battalion was once more consolidated.

On the 15th the 43rd marched for Saugur, but on the 24th three companies were ordered back to Nagode. The hot season was passed in camp on the Maidan, at Nagode. On the 8th of July a General Order abolished brigade commands. On taking leave of the 1st Brigade, of which the 43rd formed part, Brigadier Macduff expressed his warm thanks to Lieut.-Colonel Primrose "for the strong support and able assistance he had at all times given him," adverted to the good conduct of the Brigade both in action and pursuit, and also during the long and continuous marches of nearly 3000 miles, from Madras to the banks of the rivers Jumna and Scinde and to the frontier of the Gwalior territory, enduring without a murmur the arduous labours and manifold hardships encountered.  He also alluded to the large train of treasure, public stores, and ammunition entrusted to the Brigade, of which not even a single cartridge was missing. The Brigadier conveyed his special thanks to the following officers of the 43rd :— Captain William Dorehill, his Brigade-Major; Lieutenant the Hon. A. E. Harris, his A. D. C.; and Lieutenant H. C. Talbot, his orderly officer. Also to Surgeon A. Barclay, for his unvaried attention to the sick and wounded.

On the 14th of August two companies of the 43rd proceeded with a force under Lieut.-Colonel Nott, Madras Native Infantry, and fell in with and engaged Feroze Shah, routing his party, who abandoned their tents, horses, and equipments. On the 7th of October two companies, with a force under Lieut.-Colonel Oates, 12th Lancers left Saugur. A patrol from this party, under Lieutenant D'Urban Blythe, 43rd, attacked the rebels near a village called Patourie, routing and pursuing them until they were completely dispersed. Two men of the 43rd were wounded, and Lieutenant Blythe was thanked in General Orders. Another detachment under Captain Glover, attacked and dispersed a force near the village of Raisham, and two companies, with a force under Lieut.-Colonel Primrose, left Saugur for the district. This body, on the 23rd of October, attacked the rebels near the village of Gopalpore, killing many and taking several prisoners. On the 15th of November 1859 a company, with a force under Captain Currie of the 16th Punjaub Native Infantry, went into the district. The greater part of the Nagode detachment were in the field during October and November.


Copyright © Derek Miller 2005-2006

Last updated 21 January 2006


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